Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Joy of being Nana

Last night I got to experience one of the pure joys of having grandchildren. I was talking to my daughter on the phone and she told me about how my grandson has been going around the house singing his favorite song. Then she actually coaxed him into singing it for me. First of course she had to start the CD because he is shy and needed backup singers. So for a few precious moments, I got to enjoy my grandson’s rendition of “Open the Eyes of My Heart” which is actually one of my favorite praise and worship songs. It would be cliché to say that it was angelic, but I did feel that I had been visited by an angel and filled to the brim with sweetness and light. Yay, for the delight of grandkids! That, and my daughter’s report and excitement over her trip as a birthday treat to the Fall TKGA Conference, got me perked up enough to get back going on the HSS sock. Much good progress was made and I was able to knit back to the frog-point last night and am almost to the toe shaping after Koffe Klatch this morning. Saucey has declared (by sitting on the mouse pad) that my computer time is almost up, so I think I need to end this post here. Hopefully tomorrow I will have pictures to post.

1 comment:

bobbi said...

there is nothing better than grandkids