Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Life - Less Knitting

I probably don’t post enough about my spiritual life or the things that really matter as a regular enough entry. So today I’m taking a slight diversion from my more fluffy posts to touch on that. I was struck by a sort of humbling thought today as I was driving home from work. Usually I am the sort of Christian who wants to trust God in everything, but being a sort of control-freak, sometimes I really want to know more details about the bigger plan He has for me even though I know I’m not meant to see it. Today it occurred to me that I actually feel happy that I don’t know all of those details. It seems that in many areas of my life right now I know more details than I want to have about things that are going on and I know those things because at some point a decision will be required of me. Some of the decisions will have impact on more than just my life, so it’s a little daunting. I’ve never been one to shirk responsibility, but the humbling I had today was that God’s responsibility for our lives is so much more than any responsibility we have or can imagine. So today I am humbled and happy that I don’t have to know all of the things that God does about the future. I will just plan to take things prayerfully one decision at a time. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) Nana

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