No purling (unless it’s part of a pattern.) In recent posts I’ve mentioned my purling problem. Or rather, that I’m working on trying to come up with a technique that will improve my tension when I purl to avoid this:

(Guttering and inability to get correct gauge)
But since I want to complete the Masters Program, knitting acceptable swatches flat is a must, so I am on a quest to find a method of purling that is compatible with the way I knit. (I knit continental). From the forums in Ravelry, I have come to understand that this is not necessarily a unique challenge. So as mentioned before, Lynette at 3 bags full showed me a couple of things and more recently, some very helpful posters on forums in ravelry have posted links to how-to videos for Norwegian Purling. One of the gals at knit night had demonstrated this once, but I really hadn’t thought about trying it myself. But, the technique is highly recommended for continental knitters-with-gauge-issues (MOI!) so, what the heck, I downloaded a video and whipped out my purling practice swatch and in about 3 stitches worth of practice, I was Norwegian purling like it was in my blood. Now I’m not saying that it was an instant fix…. But I think I may be on to something here. Just for grins, here’s a quick review:
How I used to Purl; I held the working yarn in-between my index finger and thumb and wrapped it around the needle before pulling the loop through:

(Guttering and inability to get correct gauge)
But since I want to complete the Masters Program, knitting acceptable swatches flat is a must, so I am on a quest to find a method of purling that is compatible with the way I knit. (I knit continental). From the forums in Ravelry, I have come to understand that this is not necessarily a unique challenge. So as mentioned before, Lynette at 3 bags full showed me a couple of things and more recently, some very helpful posters on forums in ravelry have posted links to how-to videos for Norwegian Purling. One of the gals at knit night had demonstrated this once, but I really hadn’t thought about trying it myself. But, the technique is highly recommended for continental knitters-with-gauge-issues (MOI!) so, what the heck, I downloaded a video and whipped out my purling practice swatch and in about 3 stitches worth of practice, I was Norwegian purling like it was in my blood. Now I’m not saying that it was an instant fix…. But I think I may be on to something here. Just for grins, here’s a quick review:
How I used to Purl; I held the working yarn in-between my index finger and thumb and wrapped it around the needle before pulling the loop through:

How Lynette showed me; sort of loop it around my index finger and dip it down while ‘picking’ the stitch with the right needle:
(sorry this one and the next are a tad blurry)

How I adapted; loop the yarn from front to back over my index finger and pick the stitch with the right needle:

Okay, the Norwegian is a little to complex for one pic, but how about a peek at the effect? Notice the last 5 rows under the needle… looks a little better, huh?

Want to know more? Go here. (This is just one of many sites I found where the technique was demonstrated) There’s one with sound here. There’s a good written description with pictures here.
Now I’m off to try out some seed stitch and ribbing….
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