The past few days it seems like almost everything I have tried to knit has been defying me. I tried to work on the baby sweater I started, but the yarn is just not playing nice. I’ve been working on another baby gift for a shower coming up Saturday… everything I try is yuck. I managed to get a few cooperative repeats in on the Aquaphobia sock. Baby Kristopher was born Friday… he’s a 10 pounder. That confirmed the decision to put the original sweater into hibernation. The original sweater was planned for a smaller newborn size. Luckily there are a few more babies on the horizon with a population explosion going on at church. So the teeny tiny newborn sweater will go on hold for a few weeks until I get other things done or going. I started the as yet to be named last minute sweater for Kristopher last night and not only is the yarn behaving much better, but I think I’ll be able to get it in the mail this week. Here’s what I’ve done so far. 

I’m winging the pattern based on some others I had that weren’t quite what I had in mind… so I calculated my stitch counts and am loosely following some of the shaping details to get where I plan to go. Stockinette stitch body with moss stitch yoke and sleeves. It will end up being a cardigan style sweater. To put it all in perspective, here is the first sweater on top of the second. The stockinette stitch portion is curled under at the sides, so if you look at the top by the needles you can sort of see the size difference better. It's about 1 to 1.5 inches off circumferance wise. 

BTW... this post was supposed to go up before I went to work yesterday, but gee... 1:30 really sneaks up on me, so I ran out of time. Maybe I'll be able to give an update this afternoon, I've already started one front!
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