Tuesday, April 21, 2009

They Came, They Shopped, They Knit

North Suburban Knit Out and Crochet, Too 2009, went well…. I’ll let the pictures tell the story today!
I think I must have walked about 50 miles just keeping things on track, coordinating with mall management and talking with the different participants, volunteers and so forth. It was a lot of hard work, but in the end, I'm really pleased with the result.
Doing this makes complicated knitting seem a whole lot easier... Maybe there's hope for the swallowtail shawl yet!
Happy knitting... and back to project updates in the next post


SciFiTVFanGirl said...

Huzzah! I am so so glad to hear this went well! Yay! And now, it's done, at least for another year!

Kelly said...

It was a great event. Thank You for your hard work!