Each day that I put off posting the size of this post has grown. So, instead of making this a really wordy post, I decided to make it pictorial instead, so if your browser is slow, be patient…I had lots of pics on the camera, so I know I’ve been busy. Here’s a quick look at some of the things I’ve been up to:
I knit another octagon:

And then started a heptagon? OOPs do you hear amphibians...
Sherry and I went to the Midwest Fiber & Folk Festival. I Did some knitting, bought some stuff, tried fried twinkies and fried milkyway bars, and found the best gift for my new granddaughter:
On Sunday, my brother and niece arrived at the downtown train station, so I went downtown and picked them up, I had a little extra time since the train was delayed, so I checked out some city sites, couldn't resist this shot of the "new" Willis tower (so touristy):

I started a new pair of socks
(name that yarn!):

And am nearly finished with the vest (working on front band today):
If time cooperates over the weekend, I'll try to write a decent post about the acquisitions from the festival and my new sock, and hopefully there will be a finished shot of the vest.
Happy Knitting!
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