After attending The National NeedleArts Association (
TNNA) show this weekend, I have to say that I had an amazing experience. There are so many things happening in my brain right now it’s hard to know exactly where to start.
First off there won’t be any pictures in this post. I think I was so overwhelmed by the enormity of it all (and possibly a major yarn fume high) that I totally forgot I had a camera with me.
This wasn’t my first “trade show’ ever, but it was my first TNNA and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I really did not know exactly what I was getting into when Linda told me she wanted me to go.
If you have ever been to any trade show in any industry you will understand when I say that the primary function of the show is for the various companies in that industry to showcase their products or services to entice you to either sign up with them for a new account or to enhance your existing account. In this case the show was a showcase of yarn and needle craft supply vendors and lots of peripheral goods and services.
Our primary mission at the show was to look at the new fall lines of yarn for our existing vendors and to check-out some of the ones we are considering adding to our store. Whew! All I can say is that it was a lot to take in and even more daunting of a task to make decisions. I’m glad I don’t have the final say-so, but I am pleased to be a part of the process.
There were 258 yarn companies represented at the show. Additionally, there were publishers, authors, designers, accessories, you name it and what have you.
The most amazing part of this experience was that everywhere you looked there was something new or different, eye catching, tactile, beautiful and tantalizing. It is nearly impossible to think clearly if you don’t have a game plan ahead of time.
On top of that, as I guess is the case in every other industry, there were the “celebrities.” Everywhere!
I might have missed a few, but just to give you an idea, I had a chance to meet and talk with:
Cookie A;
Amy R. Singer; Casey, Jess, Mary-Heather and Sarah
(Ravelry) (but no Bob);
Janel Laidman; and
Jane Slicer-Smith; Cookie, Janel and Jane all have new books coming out late this summer or in the fall and I got to see previews and sneak peeks. The inner fan-girl wanted to jump up and down and squee, but this was a professional event, and I did act responsibly.
Even though, if I had remembered about my camera, it would have been a really cool photo-op since I am knitting socks by both Cookie and Janel right now (But I'm not sure I would have been courageous enough to ask!)
Also, I tried to meet
Claudia, but her booth was so busy when I went by that it just wasn’t meant to be, did I mention my Monkey socks are out of Claudia Hand Paint! See what I mean…
They really were everywhere... some
sightings; Brett, Drew and Robyn of
Knit and Crochet Today; Kaffe Fassett; Cat Bordhi, Lily Chin; Doris Chan; Sharon Dreifus; Jackie E-S and many others I’m sure I've forgotten because my brain is too full.
I’m not just dropping names for the sake of showing off; I’m trying to convey what the atmosphere was like… ordinary people like me just sort of hanging out with well, the Fiber Elite… just, wow! And everyone was acting like it was just business as usual, well… it actually was.
Because, of course those folks were there to promote themselves and get their books/patterns/yarns into our shops and eventually our customers hands.
So that’s what I have been up to lately. To say that I am still wound up is an understatement. I am also very tired. I hope to have a post with some knitting pictures up soon.
Happy Knitting!